Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan 8.9 Earthquake 3/11/10 and more to come...

As i listen and watch the broadcast my heart breaks with every report.
It's approximately 4:25 on 3/12/11 in the morning and the north east coast is burning and sinking. its more devastating than the idea that the United States contributed to "The destruction and overwhelming chaos that the estimates of killed and wounded in Hiroshima (150,000) and Nagasaki (75,000) are over conservative."( 

That is the first thought in my head. Is we contributed to over 200,00 deaths and millions of other post traumatic ailments. However NOW mother nature is reaming the county for an even more massive atrocity. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake and now tsunami has hit the North East coast of Japan primarily Tokyo. Homes, buildings, as well as structures and people have been completely destoryed.

Is this the middle of our Planets destruction? We have been formely warned. It has been said that before the year 2012 that we as humanity would experience The WORST disasters known the mankind. That every so million/billion years humanity has got to start over.
We have been warned about the dangers of not taking care of our planet and unfortunately, i believe along with many scientist that we are too late.  The mass call for active recycling, use of hybrid and economical vehicles, as well as the call for coal fired power plants to shut down is all too late.  Our carbon emissions have been too wide for too long.  And if we had a chance to save our planet  it was years ago. Our ice caps are melting, our poles are experiencing mass opposition.

This year i can personall attest to  dramatic weather changes in both California and New Jersey. Although California is typically warm on Christmas Day. It was oddly hot (needed an air conditioner) during the month of January and February.  Now California is experiencing heavy rain and cold temperatures that is abnormal for this part of year. New Jersey on the otherhand although experiences flooding this time of year ( The snow storms this past winter have been extremely heavy. Niether of these are extreme circumstances as those being experienced in Asia but i believe the United States is not far behind. California has yet to experience their heaviest magnitude Earthquake. However geologist predict it is coming very very soon. Furthermore due to the Earthquake/Tsunami/Catastrophic event  in Tokyo, Japan. The West Coast of the United States is predicted to experience an over flow of the disaster. Beach cities have been advised to limit traffic and for people to stay prepared.

At this point my fear for this planet, myself, and humanity have reached an ultimate peak. However my awareness that this is out of my hands and in the hands of a higher power. My belief in God and faith that we can prevail/rebuild after these disasters, allows me to come to an unsettling peace. Although life for me hasn't been personally effected by these disasters my hope, heart, and prayers, go out to all families effected by Hurricane Katrina, the recent BP Oil spill, Tsunami in S.E Asia, the Earthquake/Tsunami is Tokyo Japan, and all life that has been effected by both man-made wars and mother nature's natural disasters.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

La Weekly's Article

My response as Keeping it plur:
First and foremost EVERYONE needs to educate themselves on EVERYTHING you intake whether it be a hotdog, ecstasy, or expired groceries. although all results vary the article has validity. "the best decision is an informed decision".
the problem is that young kids are not educating themselves and they think ecstasy isn't that serious or life threatening but it is. and you can't keep popping enough is enough.
-Just like drinking there is a point to where you are beyond wasted. At the time you don't feel drunk however as your drinking , its 15-20 minutes after the drink that things start to kick up.
Some believe the more E you take the stronger the effect but since the drug takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to take affect most kids get too anxious so they keep popping. Also the frequency, if you're doing that once a month or whatever the going rate is the less likely you will feel it by the time something -that is really worth the experience comes around- its pointless.
I think this is a great article for people who don't realize how to control themselves to wake up and realize hey take it easy, enjoy the music, dance a little more, and bring an unopened water bottle and refill it. [If a may mention Nocturnal which is sponsored by GROOVE tickets (not livenation or ticketmaster) had FREE water refill stations and attendants who did it for you.] No one wants anyone one to die. Especially at raves. I only wish the coliseum (which obviously isn't holding these events anymore) would realize they don't have to close the entrance/exits to the coliseum. Its upsetting to everyone which back fires on law enforcement.
> Ravers don't go to Raves to die or fight! Violence is the last thing anyone wants to do there especially under the influence of E.
**To people reading the article thinking that this is about "How to take Ecstacy" it's not.
Just like Planned parenthood isn't encouraging people to have sex. It's about making the information available to those who need it or knows someone who does. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian on CNN's Piers Morgan

I am currently watching the Kardashian sisters on Piers Morgan. 

Although Piers Morgan repeatedly tries to attack their unity and accomplishments, the Kardashian sister's intelligence and self dignity definitely shined. This interview really showed what a Prick Piers is and how strong the Kardashians really are. The entire interview was from a negative stand point and completely rude. I was so offended when he said "would you film your own death" or something relative and he totally falls into "why wouldn't you?" As if they are just little girls running the streets in the name of Louis Vuitton that would film they're own death? Really? you have got to be kidding me... I think Ryan was right. The only reason why Piers Morgan wanted the Kardashians was for the followers.
Every question he asks is sort of rhetorical, in a way that every anwsered he directed back to himself to make a judgment. When he brought up how they use Twitter... to choose "pink or red lipgloss" the Kardashians came back strong Kourtney said how it always helps her decide. Kim said "thats how i came out with the colors of my fragrance" her fans help her decide. He couldn't handle it. He bought up Kourtney's child birth -being shared with the world. He said "is anything private anymore?" 
Kourtney shares how they did the film of home video and watched it before anyone else. It really was beautiful. The he tries to punch back by saying "is there anything you won't do on camera" which is is so vague. As if he sees every detail of their life through tvs and cameras. 
Morgan also introduces what he is going to ask them about after a short break but then repeats himself . He redirected every question to deliberately get them to pick a side with questions like "does it bother Kourtney that Kim is more famous?" "is Kim the richest one" "What's the most they splurge on themselves everyday" Just jab jab jab. "Do they think they're over exposed?" All the way through the interview the sisters held their ground and originality. Watching the segment almost made me Physically sick because of his ignorance and opposition. 
However the match concluded and even Piers had to admit "it's been fun."