POP EDM AWARD goes to PSY- Gangnam Style
As far are Electro Dance Music is concerned obviously this isn't the most sensational. However Gangnam Style is one of the hits that deserves the credit that is due. Park Jae-Sang also known as Psy is a South Koren native who has had been accused of having "obscene" lyrics by the South Korean Government charted #1 on iTunes on Aug. 21st 2012 and again Veterans Day Nov. 12, 2012. Psy who served in the South Korean military as a mandatory order finally took his wife's advice in 2010 and joined YG Entertainment. This past Sunday (Nov 11th) Psy received his most prestigious award Best Video of the year at the European Music Awards (EMAs) for his hit Gangnam Style. Before receiving his award PSY performed this catchy foreign track at the awards ceremony in Frankfurt Germany.
iTravelYourCity's Music and Event!
Music and events mainly but not limited to EDM
Friday, February 26, 2016
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Winner of the Harlem Shake Craze
The song and dance craze The Harlem Shake can be explained as nothing short of miracle. Inspiring news teams, firefighters, and even an army to shake it Harlem style.
The Harlem Shake by Baauer released on January 8 of this year has motivated people to dance like they never have before. Dancers appearing as common everydayers at the beginning and then transforming into characters in costumes after 'the beat drops.' The best thing about the Harlem Shake craze is the urge of average everyday people wanting to express themselves relatively anonymous. The second best thing is their motivation to film it and share in the viral video phenomenon.
Los Angeles radio station KROQ has deemed music duo Matt and Kim's version of the Harlem Shake the biggest and "pretty much the best." There is are Bayonne NJ Cheerleaders Harlem Shaking and even KSLA News Team Harlem Shakes.
With everyone having their own spin on this craze and each video varying from the leaves one left left to ponder which video is the best?
The WINNER is.... University of Georgia's Swim Team
ok ok... Second Place goes to.....
This is by far one of the most positive trends to catch on in America. Only promoting happiness in creativity Baauer's Harlem Shake (avail. on iTunes) has officially converted many over to EDM, even if it was only for 30 seconds.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
House Music Total Digest of the Week: October 2,2012
This week's club banger comes from DJ Shouri!!
Dirty Dutch Mash Up! - Heavy Hitter
These tunes are the the the business.I can go on about this mix and I just discovered it today. It was not the first one i found. I'm into discovering new music and promoting good music when/where i can. Tracks that are consistently heavy dance and hard to ignore. I like R&B, Rap, Danza Kuduro, but its something about house that can't compare to the feeling.
Why does this track make the cut?
This podcast is piled with great music from #dirtydutch to #housemusic this mash-ups has everything. The journey kicks off with Dirty South ringing into a very funky Daft punk. This whole podcast is definitely a getting ready for the club sort of mix. Every laid track goes hard. The dirty dutch house hits my favorite Where them Girls at -just for a sec then switches it up. It goes from one dance track to the next even hitting the up & coming #Knife Party to house favorite Nadia Ali/Alesso. You have to check out DJ Shouri's Free Podcast! it is the best fool proof mix i've heard in a long time. For complete track listings click here #mashup!
What else i listen too:
Like I said, I'm always down for some club bangers so I bought
Ibiza 2012 Deluxe Edition
I haven't heard it yet but from the previews I'm sure it will be great.
House Readers' Digest: #Kaskade
Kaskade-This Is a Dynasty-EDM story
-Thanks For Listening, all these years
peace,love,edm <3
Monday, October 1, 2012
Song of the Week- Sept. 24th 2012
Discovered this song through my Ocean Lab #Pandora station.
Tranquil but over relaxing, Andain, Gabriel & Dresden take you on an out of body experience through nature and the finer things. When i heard this song I was overwhelmed with getting out of the house on time, making plans/covering my bases and secretly waiting for a text I knew I'd never get, from someone who wasn't thinking about me.
Andain - Beautiful Things (Gabriel and Dresden Unplugged Remix)is the perfect antidote to a hectic week and senseless break ups. This will open your eyes and relax your brain. Enjoy!
Andain - Beautiful Things (Gabriel and Dresden Unplugged Remix)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The Electric Daisy Carnival NYC 2012 pt.1 & 2
The Electric Daisy Carnival from Coast to Coast
An21 & Max Vangeli started the day off in the Stadium with some heavy haus music and good vibes. I was fortunate enough to over hear the active and fresh dance music of Cazzette while i was waiting for the one and only Alesso. Alesso is an artist that has been on the rise for over four years but the past eighteen months i have really seen his success grow. He's performed at EDC LV andElectric ZOO NY both of which I was at but didn't have the opportunity to enjoy. EDC NYC he showed off his authentic dance sound and landed it. He have a great performance, nice visuals and spun my personal favorite Nadia Ali Pressure Alesso remix of course. Next was Calvin Harris, i have had the pleasure of watching him from small night clubs, pool parties but seeing him on the EDC NYC stage was a great experience. Harris opened with Flashback (Guetta Remix) skipped around a little with some 'Bounce' and then hit ''You used to Hold Me.' Calvin Harris is always a pleasure, after all he created disco. Next was Colombian artist, Errick Morrillo who offers a very unique sound to the electronic ear. Morrillo performed 'World in Your Hand' with his smooth latin rythm and eletronic hook. He is something like a Victor Cruz #80 to the Electronic Music Team. After some salsa was Sebastian Ingrosso, of Swedish House Mafia. Sebastian Ingrosso, Sebatian Ingrosso, my what an under estimate. He took EDC for a U-Turn. Ingrosso brought some heavy dirty house with consistent beat, spining the track 'Calling' with DJ Alesso. It was refreshing to hear live with the two makes of the dance hit. Steve Angello was the same level of excitment. Steve Angello took his crowd into an upward spiral of electo beats with house flavor. His show was fun, grungy, heavy, and theme animated. Angello's visuals reminded me of a 'Watchman' comic with action. I've seen Angello before and one thing is for sure, you are going to dance. Out from the Cosmic Meadow and through the lot was Avicii aka the sweet precious Tim Berg. On my was to the Circuit Grounds I overheard and saw Tim Berg playing his home-run 'Bromance.' He spins that track with such beauty and grace making sure fans get the best experience. At the Circuit Grounds Armin Van Burren was another satisfying entertainer. Following these artist from event to event, they grow on you. They are a friend you can notice change in. Armin seemed a little tired but did not disappoint. It was his second night in a row closing the Electric Daisy Carnival and he carried it away. His visuals of a sky skaper gliding over NYC buildings, took all the little daisies into a state of trance. Armin's set was a little heavy, a little beat-y, some nice consitencey. The great thing about Armin is he will do a performance. He will make it worth your time. He performed the class In and Out of Love ft. Sharon Adel and Not Giving Up on Us but left the stage with no encore, who knows maybe he didnt hear our chants.
Back to the Kinetic Field Avicii performed the hit that made it to daytime radio- 'Levels.' That song always means fun and feel good times. As Danny Tenaglia closed the neonGardens with his D&B set. Avicii rose above the standard and closed with the Jay Z & Kanye hit 'Cray' or 'N* in Paris.' That started a mass breakout in excitment and dancing. People stopped to watch Avicii close EDC. Like tradition carries- Fireworks went off at the finale of EDC, while Avicii went 10 minutes over into a remarkable finish. The Electric Daisy Carnival came to New York and offered them a taste of what the LA has been missing. The Carnival was just that a carnival of music talent, characters, and electric daisies.
Part 2_People After My Own Heart
dress in their most bizarre attire. What a joy
it was for me to see a shared tradition of the West blossom on the East. NYC, came with tutu's, dasies, banana costumes, blow up dinosaurs & monkeys, neon colors, and positive attitudes. When the LA collesiuem put up the fence and locked the entrance into the collesieum prohibiting every patron to enjoy such an event- it killed people and hope of benevolent preserverance. It was so damaging to the spirit of the Electric Daisy Carnival, will we ever re-join as a people, will we ever get those moments of sitting shoulder to shoulder enjoying the entertainment we pay so much for. Well, NYC was complete with smiles and open arms. Everywhere i walked "i love your outfit!" "EDCCC!!" "let's share""are you ok?" so many positive attitudes on. Everywhere "want to take a picture?" It was the come back of strangers becoming friends. As an EDC veteran i felt at home. I felt everyone was there really to have a good time. As a NJ resident I now realize the intamacy of the festival. No one was pushing, everyone was willing to lend a helping hand or friendly gesture.The Metlife Stadium was an accomodating setting. The stages were close enough to each other, the staff was kind- uniformative but kind nonetheless, and the rides were entertaining. Tents throughout the event would have been nice wince it was well over 80 degrees, sunny, and cold save people suffering form heat exhaustion but hey who's counting. Overall the tone was nice and refreshing. From speculation this is a mature crowd that is definitely ready for more Electric Daisy Carnivals.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Japan 8.9 Earthquake 3/11/10 and more to come...
As i listen and watch the broadcast my heart breaks with every report.
It's approximately 4:25 on 3/12/11 in the morning and the north east coast is burning and sinking. its more devastating than the idea that the United States contributed to "The destruction and overwhelming chaos that the estimates of killed and wounded in Hiroshima (150,000) and Nagasaki (75,000) are over conservative."(http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/cab/200708230009.html)
That is the first thought in my head. Is we contributed to over 200,00 deaths and millions of other post traumatic ailments. However NOW mother nature is reaming the county for an even more massive atrocity. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake and now tsunami has hit the North East coast of Japan primarily Tokyo. Homes, buildings, as well as structures and people have been completely destoryed.
Is this the middle of our Planets destruction? We have been formely warned. It has been said that before the year 2012 that we as humanity would experience The WORST disasters known the mankind. That every so million/billion years humanity has got to start over.
We have been warned about the dangers of not taking care of our planet and unfortunately, i believe along with many scientist that we are too late. The mass call for active recycling, use of hybrid and economical vehicles, as well as the call for coal fired power plants to shut down is all too late. Our carbon emissions have been too wide for too long. And if we had a chance to save our planet it was years ago. Our ice caps are melting, our poles are experiencing mass opposition.
This year i can personall attest to dramatic weather changes in both California and New Jersey. Although California is typically warm on Christmas Day. It was oddly hot (needed an air conditioner) during the month of January and February. Now California is experiencing heavy rain and cold temperatures that is abnormal for this part of year. New Jersey on the otherhand although experiences flooding this time of year (http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/03/nearly_5_inches_of_rain_falls.html) The snow storms this past winter have been extremely heavy. Niether of these are extreme circumstances as those being experienced in Asia but i believe the United States is not far behind. California has yet to experience their heaviest magnitude Earthquake. However geologist predict it is coming very very soon. Furthermore due to the Earthquake/Tsunami/Catastrophic event in Tokyo, Japan. The West Coast of the United States is predicted to experience an over flow of the disaster. Beach cities have been advised to limit traffic and for people to stay prepared.
At this point my fear for this planet, myself, and humanity have reached an ultimate peak. However my awareness that this is out of my hands and in the hands of a higher power. My belief in God and faith that we can prevail/rebuild after these disasters, allows me to come to an unsettling peace. Although life for me hasn't been personally effected by these disasters my hope, heart, and prayers, go out to all families effected by Hurricane Katrina, the recent BP Oil spill, Tsunami in S.E Asia, the Earthquake/Tsunami is Tokyo Japan, and all life that has been effected by both man-made wars and mother nature's natural disasters.
As i listen and watch the broadcast my heart breaks with every report.
It's approximately 4:25 on 3/12/11 in the morning and the north east coast is burning and sinking. its more devastating than the idea that the United States contributed to "The destruction and overwhelming chaos that the estimates of killed and wounded in Hiroshima (150,000) and Nagasaki (75,000) are over conservative."(http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/cab/200708230009.html)
That is the first thought in my head. Is we contributed to over 200,00 deaths and millions of other post traumatic ailments. However NOW mother nature is reaming the county for an even more massive atrocity. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake and now tsunami has hit the North East coast of Japan primarily Tokyo. Homes, buildings, as well as structures and people have been completely destoryed.
Is this the middle of our Planets destruction? We have been formely warned. It has been said that before the year 2012 that we as humanity would experience The WORST disasters known the mankind. That every so million/billion years humanity has got to start over.
We have been warned about the dangers of not taking care of our planet and unfortunately, i believe along with many scientist that we are too late. The mass call for active recycling, use of hybrid and economical vehicles, as well as the call for coal fired power plants to shut down is all too late. Our carbon emissions have been too wide for too long. And if we had a chance to save our planet it was years ago. Our ice caps are melting, our poles are experiencing mass opposition.
This year i can personall attest to dramatic weather changes in both California and New Jersey. Although California is typically warm on Christmas Day. It was oddly hot (needed an air conditioner) during the month of January and February. Now California is experiencing heavy rain and cold temperatures that is abnormal for this part of year. New Jersey on the otherhand although experiences flooding this time of year (http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/03/nearly_5_inches_of_rain_falls.html) The snow storms this past winter have been extremely heavy. Niether of these are extreme circumstances as those being experienced in Asia but i believe the United States is not far behind. California has yet to experience their heaviest magnitude Earthquake. However geologist predict it is coming very very soon. Furthermore due to the Earthquake/Tsunami/Catastrophic event in Tokyo, Japan. The West Coast of the United States is predicted to experience an over flow of the disaster. Beach cities have been advised to limit traffic and for people to stay prepared.
At this point my fear for this planet, myself, and humanity have reached an ultimate peak. However my awareness that this is out of my hands and in the hands of a higher power. My belief in God and faith that we can prevail/rebuild after these disasters, allows me to come to an unsettling peace. Although life for me hasn't been personally effected by these disasters my hope, heart, and prayers, go out to all families effected by Hurricane Katrina, the recent BP Oil spill, Tsunami in S.E Asia, the Earthquake/Tsunami is Tokyo Japan, and all life that has been effected by both man-made wars and mother nature's natural disasters.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
La Weekly's Article
My response as Keeping it plur:
First and foremost EVERYONE needs to educate themselves on EVERYTHING you intake whether it be a hotdog, ecstasy, or expired groceries. although all results vary the article has validity. "the best decision is an informed decision".
the problem is that young kids are not educating themselves and they think ecstasy isn't that serious or life threatening but it is. and you can't keep popping enough is enough.
-Just like drinking there is a point to where you are beyond wasted. At the time you don't feel drunk however as your drinking , its 15-20 minutes after the drink that things start to kick up.
Some believe the more E you take the stronger the effect but since the drug takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to take affect most kids get too anxious so they keep popping. Also the frequency, if you're doing that once a month or whatever the going rate is the less likely you will feel it by the time something -that is really worth the experience comes around- its pointless.
I think this is a great article for people who don't realize how to control themselves to wake up and realize hey take it easy, enjoy the music, dance a little more, and bring an unopened water bottle and refill it. [If a may mention Nocturnal which is sponsored by GROOVE tickets (not livenation or ticketmaster) had FREE water refill stations and attendants who did it for you.] No one wants anyone one to die. Especially at raves. I only wish the coliseum (which obviously isn't holding these events anymore) would realize they don't have to close the entrance/exits to the coliseum. Its upsetting to everyone which back fires on law enforcement.
> Ravers don't go to Raves to die or fight! Violence is the last thing anyone wants to do there especially under the influence of E.
**To people reading the article thinking that this is about "How to take Ecstacy" it's not.
Just like Planned parenthood isn't encouraging people to have sex. It's about making the information available to those who need it or knows someone who does.
My response as Keeping it plur:
First and foremost EVERYONE needs to educate themselves on EVERYTHING you intake whether it be a hotdog, ecstasy, or expired groceries. although all results vary the article has validity. "the best decision is an informed decision".
the problem is that young kids are not educating themselves and they think ecstasy isn't that serious or life threatening but it is. and you can't keep popping enough is enough.
-Just like drinking there is a point to where you are beyond wasted. At the time you don't feel drunk however as your drinking , its 15-20 minutes after the drink that things start to kick up.
Some believe the more E you take the stronger the effect but since the drug takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to take affect most kids get too anxious so they keep popping. Also the frequency, if you're doing that once a month or whatever the going rate is the less likely you will feel it by the time something -that is really worth the experience comes around- its pointless.
I think this is a great article for people who don't realize how to control themselves to wake up and realize hey take it easy, enjoy the music, dance a little more, and bring an unopened water bottle and refill it. [If a may mention Nocturnal which is sponsored by GROOVE tickets (not livenation or ticketmaster) had FREE water refill stations and attendants who did it for you.] No one wants anyone one to die. Especially at raves. I only wish the coliseum (which obviously isn't holding these events anymore) would realize they don't have to close the entrance/exits to the coliseum. Its upsetting to everyone which back fires on law enforcement.
> Ravers don't go to Raves to die or fight! Violence is the last thing anyone wants to do there especially under the influence of E.
**To people reading the article thinking that this is about "How to take Ecstacy" it's not.
Just like Planned parenthood isn't encouraging people to have sex. It's about making the information available to those who need it or knows someone who does.
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